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JA 43, Autumn 2001

JA 43, Autumn 2001

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SKU: 300043 Category:

English + Japanese / 226 x 297 mm / 700 g

Digital Edition
Paper Edition


JA 43 is a special edition on the theme of small architecture. In installing small objects, the relationship to the surrounding environment is clarified and put to maximum use, so that it may be possible to discern their key ideas.

JA43: small

JA 43 is a special edition on the theme of small architecture. In installing small objects, the relationship to the surrounding environment is clarified and put to maximum use, so that it may be possible to discern their key ideas without even knowing what is going on in the interior spaces. It seems there are cases where the hierarchies of scale and function are equalized or even reversed. These could be considered trivial matters, yet their total influence is significant. In other words, this special edition traces the possibilities implied by small objects that may lead to the discovery of concepts that bear directly on all architectural notion.

small -|Toshiaki Ishida * Manabu Chiba * Mitsuhiko Sato-|

Architecture of Parts – Sosuke Fujimoto –


Small House
Kazuyo Sejima & Associates

KOB Bldg.
Toshiaki Ishida Architect & Associates

Koh Kitayama + architecture WORKSHOP

Jun Aoki & Associates

House in Black
Chiba Manabu Architects

House in Sengawa
Mitsuhiko Sato architect and associates

House in Kamakura
Office of Ryue Nishizawa

House in Izu-Kogen
Yasushi Horibe

House Su-Wa
Taira Nishizawa Architects & Associates

House Asama
Atelier Bow-Wow + T.I.T. Tsukamoto Lab.

Mitani Hut
Yoshifumi Nakamura

JA volume43

ISBN:4-7869-0162-8 C3052