a+u Architecture and Urbanism November 2021 Special Issue Infraordinary Tokyo: The Right to the City
Urbanistic Sensibility: The Thinking and Making of This Magazine / Darko Radovi´c
+ Tokyo Lived, Loved, Problematised / Darko Radovi´c
Discussion: Tokyo: The Right to the City? / Kengo Kuma, Hidenobu Jinnnai, and Darko Radovi´c
Tokyo Map of Infraordinary Places and Practices 1
+ Tokyo Lived: Nezu, Sendagi, YaNeSen / Darko Radovi´c
Insert 1: The Indigenous Urban Fabric of Tokyo: Low-Rise, High-Density Residential Urbanity / Sano Satoshi
The Choreography of Life: Conceptualizing, Designing, and Making a House in Nishiarai / Tamao Hashimoto
Shared Housing: A Public Realm Inside the House / Taichi Kuma
Urban Thresholds and the Quality of Spatial Experience / Milica Muminovi´c
The Sento (Public Bathhouses) that Support Local Ecosystems / Haruka Kuryu
Soft Tokyo: Scenes from the Gentle Metropolis / David Sim
Common Space, or Pseudo-Public Space / Akiko Okabe
+ Tokyo Lived: Okurayama / Darko Radovi´c
Matsuri as Urban Gestures / Ray Lucas
Izakaya / Xuang Yang, co+labo
Reinvention of Yatai: A New Foodscape in Tokyo / Ko Nakamura
Emergent Tokyo: Yokocho Alleyways, Zakkyo Buildings, and Under-Track Infills / Jorge Almazan
+ Tokyo Lived: Jiyugaoka/Midorigaoka / Darko Radovi´c
A Street with No Name / Davisi Boontharm, Darko Radovi´c, co+re
Ginza: Parallel Realities / Daisuke Kobayashi, co+labo
Ginza: A Town Keeping Its Cho Culture in Contemporary Tokyo / Hiroto Kobayashi
+ Tokyo Lived: The Spectacle / Darko Radovi´c
Politics of Space: Dissident Occupation of Public Spaces in Tokyo / Ana Medina
Politics of Pleasure: The Lost Waterfronts of Tokyo / Darko Radovi´c, Hisamu Yamamori, Shinichi Nishibori, co+labo
The Collective Imagination of Renovation / Eiji Oguma
Tokyo Requalified: The Narratives of Recovery / Davisi Boontharm
The Urbanism of Play: The Mutation of What Is a Necessity into a Public Amenity / Alice Covatta
Graffiti and Street Art / Sanja Žonja, co+labo
Occupation of Tokyo and Stacking of Different Historical Times/ Shunya Yoshimi
Toward the Fourth Dimension: Framing the Fragments of the Dispersed City / Vedrana Ikalovi´c
Toward the Shrink-Age: Between Threats and Opportunities / Marco Capitanio
Above and Below: Hidden Poverty – and Precarity – in Tokyo / Heide Imai
Deep Ruins: Structural Violence from the High-Growth Period to the Post-Bubble Days / Takayuki Tatsumi
+ Tokyo Lived: Global Futures / Darko Radovi´c
Tokyo Map of Infraordinary Places and Practices 2
Insert 2: A City in the Sky / Vuk Radovi´c, with Ken Yeang and Karl Fender
Post Scriptum / Darko Radovi´c