Architecture Archive: Japanese Architecture (2017)
To complement the release of our May 2020 issue of a+u, we returned to our archives to reflect on four decades of architectural production with a relationship to Japan. With this brief digital series, we invite our readers to participate in this reflection, and hope that this amorphous family of work can prove useful in our present. Mosaic Tile Museum / Terunobu Fujimori + A • k + Ace Design CommunityYoyogi Terrace / FujiwalaboNational Taichung Theater / Toyo Ito & AssociatesMiyanomori Elementary School/ Sakari Sogo Plan + Coelacanth K&HArtmuseum & Library, Ota / Akihisa Hirata Architecture OfficeMinakata Kumagusu Museum / Kazuhiro Kojima + Kazuko Akamatsu / CAtAsahi Kindergarten Phase I / Tezuka Architects, TIS PartnersKowa Public Apartment Complex in Mihama / Studio VelocityPark Groot Vijversburg Renovation and Extension / Junya. IshigamiKindai University Academic Theater / NTT FacilitiesKochiken Jitikaikan / Hosogi Architect & AssociatesTree-ness House / Akihisa Hirata Architecture Office