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a+u 2021:10 Marie-José Van Hee architecten

a+u 2021:10

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SKU: 402110 Category:

English + Japanese / 176 Pages / 219 x 292 mm / 650 g

Digital Edition
Paper Edition


a+u’s October issue features 18 projects, ranging from private residences to urban plazas, by architect Marie-José Van Hee, whose practice is based in Ghent, Belgium. Guest editor Hera Van Sande notes how Van Hee’s buildings “blend in with their environment as if they have always been there” and her “architectural spaces evoke repose, reflection, serenity, silence.” Working almost entirely in Flanders, Van Hee creates architectural works that are intensely personal, as an extension of her aesthetic passion, which also encompasses cooking, literature, and fashion. The projects presented here all begin with an aerial photograph of the broader site context alongside Van Hee’s sketches. These sketches, or rather black drawings, are layers of pencil lines drawn on top of each other. They communicate the architectural images that Van Hee visualizes as “her hand mediates between the mental images and the spatial projections on a sheet of paper” and “negotiate between her imagination and the constrictions of our physical world while she juggles different scales simultaneously,” as described in the introduction by Sam De Vocht. (a+u)

Sam De Vocht

House HdF
House DW
House L-C
House Van Hee

Food for Thoughts
Sylvia Van Peteghem

House V-V
House and Doctor’s Practice VA-O
House A-B
House V-D
Housing Lindenlei
House and Apartments VG-S
Office and Apartment Bailleul
Housing Academie
Housing Eekhoornhof
Housing Beukenhof
Housing Donzapark

Spatial Poetry
Hera Van Sande

ModeNatie – Fashion Museum and Academy
Inner-City Central Squares, Bike Parking, and Market Hall
Inner-City Central Squares, Leie Riverbanks, and Brielpoortbrug