a+u 2018:05 Adolf Loos: Residences
For May and June of 2018, with guest editor Yoshio Sakurai of Toyo University, a+u is featuring the life and work of Adolf Loos. The May issue thematically addresses Loos’ thinking on residential architecture, using 32 of his residential projects to establish a framework to view his experimentation within.
Organizationally, the issue is divided into 4 chapters: Early Urban Residences, Residences in Natural Environment, Raumplan, and The Period of Maturity in Raumplan.

a+u Adolf Loos: Residences includes:
Interpretation and Contemporaneity
Yoshio Sakurai
Adolf Loos Chronology
Loos’s Collaborators
Chapter 1: Early Urban Residences
Villa Steiner
Villa Stössl
Villa Horner
Scheu House
Villa for Direktors of Sugar Factory
Chapter 2: Residences in Natural Environment
Villa for the Construction Manager of Schwazwaldschule I
Country House for Prinz Sapieha
Villa Paul Verdier
Villa Spanner
Khuner Country House
Chapter 3: Raumplan
Terrace Villa
Villa Konstandt
Samuel Bronner Palace
Rufer House
Country House for Medical Doctor H
Stross Manor House
Villa Alexander Moissi
Villa von Simon
Tristan Tzara House
Villa Erwin Rosenberg
Villa Plesch
Josephine Baker House
Villa Moller
Chapter 4: The Period of Maturity in Raumplan
Cubic House
Bojko House
House for One Family
Villa Fleischner
Villa Müller
Villa Winternitz
Mitzi Schnabl House
Jordan House
The Last House
Q&A about Loos
Project List
Essay Series, vol. 1
Shrine, Temple and its Architecture
Suguru Kanata, Miyadaiku