a+u 2014:12 Experiments with Architectural Activities
Cover: The Gray Rush by The Living. Photo courtesy of the architect.
Experiments with Architectural Activities
The Living Interview: Intersection of Architecture, Biology, and ComputationHy-Fi / Pier 35 EcoPark
Rotor Interview: Linking Supply and Demand on Construction FieldFurnishing and interior design for the cultural center of the old slaughterhouseof Bomel / Dismantling of office buildings
Gramazio & Kohler Flight Assembled Architecture / Public Toilets / Ofenhalle
Vo Trong Nghia Architects Interview: Reconstructing Connections Between People and Nature inCities of VietnamHouse for Trees / Farming Kindergarten
Van Bergen Kolpa Architecten Interview: Architecture for FoodCo-Housing Hoogvliet / Park Supermarket / Climate Resilient City 2050
m7red Interview: Complex ScenariosThe Riachuelo River Basin
Assemble Interview: Involving Directly in Changing SurroundingsMake, Don’t Make Do / Yardhouse / Cineroleum / Folly a Flyover / OTOProject
Superpool Interview: Testing the Contemporary Tools in the Uncontrollable CitiesArchitecture Summer Rhein-Main 2015 / TailorCrete
raumlaborberlin Interview: Experimental Spatial Practice in Urban AreasKolorado Neustadt / Osthang Project
Collectif Etc Interview: Sharing the System and Transforming Spaces by Themselves“Osthang Project” – Space Kitchen
TYIN tegnestue Architects Interview: Architects as Designers, Problem Solvers, Facilitators,Teachers and CarpentersOld Market Library / Lyset paa Lista
Zuloark Interview: Creating “Collectives” as PlatformEl Campo de Cebada (by Antonella Broglia + Zuloark)
Nene Tsuboi and Tuomas Toivonen Interview: Constructing Autonomy through Engagement
CLOG Interview: Slow Down the Pace of Architectural Consumption
SAN ROCCO Interview: Create a Debate on the Basis of International Network