a+u 2013:11 Norwegian Architecture Toward Sustainability
Cover: Summer House Storfjord by Jensen & Skodvin Architects. Photo courtesy of the architect.
Feature: Norwegian Architecture Toward Sustainability
Interview: The wardrobe and the mattressSmiljan Radic and Marcela CorreaExhibition by Fondation d’entreprise Hermès, Le Forum,Maison Hermès GinzaFeature: Norwegian Architecture Toward Sustainability
Essay: Landscape Rituals – National Tourist Routes in NorwayKarl Otto EllefsenReiulf Ramstad ArchitectsTrollstigen National Tourist RouteCarl-Viggo HølmebakkJektvik Ferry QuayManthey KulaRoadside Rest Room, AkkarvikoddenRintala Eggertsson ArchitectsSeljord WatchtowerHøse BridgeJensen & Skodvin ArchitectsGudbrandsjuvet – Service CenterSummer House Storfjord
Jarmund/Vigsnæs AS Arkitekter MNALLog House Oppdal
Essay: Custom MadeHalvor Weider Ellefsen, Mirza Mujezinovic
Brendeland & Kristoffersen ArkitekterSvartlamoen Housing Project
Helen & HardVennesla Library and Culture House
Pir II OsloTallhall
a-labStatoil Regional and International Offices
Space GroupNew Oslo Central Station