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a+u 2009:06 Small

a+u 2009:06

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SKU: 400906 Category:
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English + Japanese / 128 Pages / 219 x 292 mm / 500 g

Digital Edition
Paper Edition


Cover: Studio in Green by selgascano. Photo: Iwan Baan.

Feature: Small


Peter Zumthor of Switzerland Becomes the 2009 PritzkerArchitecture Prize Laureate

Plans Revealed for Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2009 Designed by Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa of SANAA

Freelon Adjaye Bond/SmithGroup Wins Competition for the National Museum of African American History and CultureInterview with

Dean Mohsen Mostafavi

, Harvard UniversityGraduate School of DesignInterviewer: Hiroto Kobayashi


Small Baumschlager Eberle Nordwesthaus selgascano Studio in Green Valerio Olgiati Office of Valerio Olgiati Tatiana Bilbao Estudio Explanada Smiljan Radic Mestizo Restaurant Emiliano López


Mónica Rivera


Hotel Aire de Bardenas phalt Metal Workshop Dynamo Archea Associati New Library in Nembro IMB Arquitectos Regional Library of Bizkaia EM2N Public Records Office Canton Basel-Landschaft Manuel Herz Legal / Illegal Architecture astearchitecture Top of Tyrol Perkins Eastman TKTS Booth Adjaye Associates “Sclera”, Size + Matter David Maštálka

/ A1Architects

Teahouse in the Garden 6a Architects “Hairywood” Plano B Agricultural Warehouse Earth Columns


Horse Stable

 10 Square Meters of Something SomewhereThe Program of the School of Architecture, University of Talca