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Shinkenchiku 2016:12 Estonian National Museum

Shinkenchiku 2016:12

2,400 ¥

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SKU: 101612 Category:
Please note, this magazine is only available in Japanese!

Japanese / 222 Pages / 221 x 297 mm / 640 g

Digital Edition


Estonian National Museum
Dorell.Ghotmeh.Tane / Architects, Paris

Architecture and Memory
Tsuyoshi Tane

Parallel Projections
Takuma Tsuji, Shinichi Kawakatsu

Projects featured:
Estonian National Museum
Dorell.Ghotmeh.Tane / Architects, Paris

Kohei Nawa / Sandwich

Stone Island’s Stone
Hideyuki Nakayama Architecture

Rain Drop Sewer
Jun Aoki & Associates

Omuro Museum
Atelier Ichiku / Yusuke Omuro

Atsuhiro Koda + Momo Sano / Comma Design Office

The “Art Square” Project for Redevelopment of the Kyobashi 1-Chome East Area
Nikken Sekkei Toda Corporation Nikken Activity Design lab

Central Garden – Goddess of the Forest
Takenaka Corporation, Yuko Nagayama & Associates

The Bright Window
Yuko Nagayama & Associates

Case of Room 907
Tezzo Nishizawa Architects

Design Musica + Yoshihide Asaco

Matsusaka City Child Development Compehensive Support Center

Miyagawa Bagle

Ono-sake Warehouse
Eureka + G Architects Studio

Nakashimagawa, Teramachi PJ
Momeda Yu Architecture Office / MYAO

Okayama Art Summit 2016, Micro “Terroir”
The University of Tokyo, Chiba Laboratory, Osamu Tsukihashi Laboratory, Kobe University, Akihisa Hirata Laboratory, Kyoto University

The Reed Dome
Hiromasa Shirai, Takuo Nagai, Takeo Matsuoka, The University of Shiga Prefecture -> Article: Architecture and Memory = Tsuyoshi Tane
Parallel Projections = Takuma Tsuji, Shinichi Kawakatsu

Estonian National Museum = Dorell. Ghotmeh. Tane / Architects, Paris
Kohtei = Kohei Nawa | Sandwich
Stone Island’s Stone = Hideyuki Nakayama Architecture
Rain Drop Sewer = Jun Aoki & Associates
Omuro Museum = Atelier Ichiku / Yusuke Omuro
Tentoshi = Atsuhiro Koda + Momo Sano / Comma Design Office
the “art Square” Project for Redevelopment of the Kyobashi 1-Chome East Area = Nikken Sekkei Toda Corporation Nikken Activity Design Lab
Central Garden – Goddess of the Forest = Takenaka Corporation, Yuko Nagayama & Associates
the Bright Window = Yuko Nagayama & Associates
Case of Room 907 = Tezzo Nishizawa Architects
GarlochÍ = Design Musica + Yoshihide Asaco
Matsusaka City Child Deveropment Comprehensive Support Center = Thirdparty
Miyagawa Bagle = Roovice
Ono-Sake Warehouse = Eureka + G Architects Studio
Nakashimagawa, Teramachi Pj = Momoeda Yu Architecture Office / Myao
Okayama Art Summit 2016, Micro “terroir” = the University of Tokyo, Chiba Laboratory, Osamu Tsukihashi Laboratory, Kobe University, Akihisa Hirata Labratory, Kyoto University
the Reed Dome = Hiromasa Shirai, Takuo Nagai, Takeo Matsuoka, the University of Shiga Prefecture