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Wednesday Architecture, Hope, & COVID-19

We at a+u are attempting to both process and adapt to the unfolding global health and civil rights crises. As a way to engage with this situation, we would like to use our digital platforms to compile and publish freely-accessible observations, commentary, and messaging from within the architecture and urbanism communities.

In 2011, following the March earthquake and subsequent tsunami that affected Japan, our sister publication, Shinkenchiku, invited those engaged in the shaping of the built environment—both domestically and abroad—to contribute brief, varied messages as a way to reflect on the events and their implications. This text-based record was published, and distributed as part of a relief effort.

Working now through a different medium, in considerably different circumstances, we again would like to initiate a project. We’ve reached out to various members of the architecture and urbanism communities, asking the question: What roles can architects, planners, and urban designers play in creating hope during, and beyond, this difficult time?

The responses will be published from May 2020 through August, and can be read below: